Monday 11 March 2013


Excel 2007 enables us to effectively manage much larger worksheets, and it provides significant improvement in calculation speed. The new results-oriented user interface makes it easy to work in Microsoft Office Excel. This module covers the features of Excel 2007, printing and charting, excel table. Microsoft Excel is a mathematical formula functions (+,-,X,/,%,grades etc). It has inbuilt Rows and Columns in Excel 2007
How many Rows are there in One Column?
1048576 Rows
How many Columns are there in One Row?
16384 Columns
Active Cell:- A1(A column and 1 Row) is the active or Reference Cell
How many by default Worksheets are there in one Workbook?
3 Worksheet
Worksheet:- Worksheet is also known as Spreadsheet. To entire Rows and Columns are there in One Worksheet.
Cell Address: To Intersection of the Rows and Columns are called Cell Address
Move and Drag
It Does
Default pointer shapes
The default pointer shapes; appears in most excel workspace context
Move cell pointer or selects a range of cells
border of a windows
Appear when the pointer is on the border of a windows
Adjust Windows size
editing cellcontents
Appears when we are editing cell contents
Provides a text insertion points
appers when the pointer
Appears when the pointer is on a columns or row heading
Select columns or rows
cell border graphics charts or picture
Appears when the pointer is moving placed over a cell border, graphics charts or pictures
Moving cells, graphics or objects
fill corner
When the pointer is on the “fill corner” of  a cell or cell range
Auto Fills other cells with similar formulas
mouse is place over the ribbon
Appears when mouse is placed over the Ribbon
The standard MS Windows pointer; selects Ribbon and menu options

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